Launching an Individual Child Packet for Each Sub Form Recipient

NOTE: These instructions are intended for a user trained on the TMS Forms and Workflow Module.

The sample Instructions below are using a Non-Conformance as the Parent and CAPA as the Child. This example includes the ability to launch a CAPA from another packet type such or as a standalone CAPA.

Step 1: Design the Non-Conformance Form (Parent)

Ensure the following on the Parent (i.e. Non-Conformance)

  • The form has a sub-form designed with recipients (single user recipient type). For the example below, the recipient in the sub form is defined on [Form_0002:Item_004].

Step 2: Design the CAPA Form (Child)

For the system to know that the packet was launched from a Parent and not launched as a standalone, you will need to do a compare. (i.e., comparing whether a packet is launched from a Parent or without a Parent).

  1. Add an Initiator field, perhaps called Sub Form Initiator.

This initiator is different from the initiator of the standalone CAPA. This initiator will automatically fill in from the sub form recipients from the Parent.

  1. In the Field Parameters field add the following:

FIELD_VALUE=IIF([PARENT:Form_0002:Item_004] = '', @CURRENT_USER(), [PARENT:Form_0002:Item_004]);ALLOW_EDIT=NO;

  1. Check the Special Field checkbox.
  1. Add a True False (Yes/No) field, perhaps called Launched from Parent.
  1. Add the parameter:

FIELD_VALUE=IIF([PARENT:Form_0002:Item_004] = '','0','1');

This will return a YES or NO that will be used in the workflow as a compare on whether the packet was launched from a Parent or as a standalone.

Step 3: Design the CAPA Workflow (with three steps after the Create Packet step)

  1. Compare for sub form initiation by comparing the Launch for Parent field.
  • Test Value = Yes
  • If there is a Value Match, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 3.
  1. Sub Form Recipient fill out CAPA.
  • Recipient is the Sub Form Initiator field added in step 1 of the Step 2: Design the CAPA Form (Child) procedure above.

NOTE: This initiator is different from the initiator of a standalone CAPA assigned in step 3 below.

  • Next step would skip step 3.
  1. Standalone Initiator fill out CAPA.

Flow continues with this step for both standalone and CAPA launched from Parent.

NOTE: If the CAPA workflow is already designed, this is probably step 2, which would become step 4 after you add step 1 and 2 in this procedure.

Step 4: Design the Parent Workflow

Ensure following settings in the Workflow for the Parent Use command Create Child Workflow:

  • Defined Child Workflow (i.e., CAPA)
  • Creation Type: Per Sub-Form
  • Form Name – First Page of Parent
  • Wait for Child(ren) to Complete: Yes or No